Niedziela, 23 Czerwca 2024   imieniny: Wanda, Albin
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Levin August, hrabia Bennigsen: Levin August, Count Bennigsen (1745-1826)

Data publikacji: 2015-09-22, Źródło artykułu:, Autor zdjęcia: Peter Edward Stroehling
Stroehling’s work in the Royal Collection allows us to trace a rare example of continuity between the masters of the Dutch Golden Age and those of the early nineteenth century. Stroehling was brought up in Dusseldorf where a magnificent collection of the polished, classicising and elegant works (often on copper) by artists such as Adriaen van der Werff (1659-1722) had been formed by Johann Wilhelm II, Elector Palatine (1658-1716). Stroehling worked all over Europe but spend much of the first two decades of the nineteenth century in London; between 1810 and 1820 he was even styled ‘Historical Painter to the Prince of Wales’. Stroehling’s work elsewhere tended to be life-sized portraiture, but the Royal Collection has an important group of small-scale portraits on copper, executed with fine detail and a glossy finish; Joseph Farington perceptively referred to them as ‘painted in a Vanderwerfe manner’. Stroehling’s price for these ‘Cabinet Pictures’ was 200 guineas each, an impressive sum in the period even for a life-sized work.


Historical memoirs of the Emperor Alexander I and the court of Russia (1900) (14579814100)
Portrait leonty bennigsen by ГЕЙТМАН & WRIGHT - GMII
Levin August, Count Bennigsen (1745-1826)
Levin count von Bennigsen
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